🚊 Subway directions:
Take the green line (line 2) or the dark blue line (line 1) to City Hall exit 3. After climbing the stairs, walk straight and take first left turn.
You’ll immediately see the Cathedral on your right. The English Mission meets in the Crypt Chapel — the entrance is on the lower level of the grounds.
🚕 Taxi directions:
The Cathedral is in front of / next to the British embassy and close to the Koreana Hotel. If using a taxi, tell driver to pass the Koreana Hotel and turn at the second right. You’ll immediately see the Cathedral on your right.
📍 Directions:
(Road name address)
15 Sejongdaero 21-gil,
Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea
서울시 중구 세종대로21길 15
대한성공회 서울주교좌성당
(Lot number address)
3 Jeong-dong, Jung-gu,
Seoul, South Korea
서울특별시 중구 정동 3
대한성공회 서울주교좌성당